Veeners And Laminates
Veneers are customized thin shells typically made of porcelain or ceramic, fitted to the front side of your teeth to create a smoother, more even appearance. They provide a non-surgical solution to correct stained, crooked, chipped, or decayed teeth, as well as close gaps or even out your smile. The procedure is usually permanent, since part of the teeth’s enamel is removed and the veneers are attached.
Each porcelain or ceramic shell is custom-made for each patient to match teeth color and size while suiting facial features. To maintain the beauty of veneers and laminates, it’s important to practice good dental health; this includes avoiding certain drinks or foods that might stain the layers in order to preserve their quality and give you a great smile. If you are interested in exploring the possibility of veneers or laminates, contact us today!